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See how one woman's hair went from purple to perfect on TODAY www.genyandgeny.com

t was an unseasonably warm November day, and the TODAY plaza was packed. With so many people to choose from, our Ambush Makeover team of celebrity hairstylist Louis Licari and TODAY contributor and Style Squad member Jill Martin certainly had a tough choice. But Leslie Teuscher, who had come to New York City from Idaho to celebrate the big 5-0, stood out. Back in June, she had dyed her hair bright purple. She'd wanted to prove to her daughter that even though she wasn't 29 anymore, she could still pull off bold hair. RELATED: Woman with Parkinson's celebrates 60th birthday with a personal Ambush Makeover Now, however, she had a big job interview coming up. It was time for Leslie to say goodbye to the purple — and our Ambush Makeover team was ready.

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